The official

  Tue, 11 Mar South Africa:
Model E-Card:
 2025 Selections!

Aspiring Models / Actors - Tips & Guidelines

For all of you out there who are wondering if you have the potential to become a model or an Actor. Here is what it takes to model:

Firstly there are no set "rules" as to who will work as a model or an actor and who won’t work in the acting or fashion industry. It is all about a specific look. or a communication that the Artiste gives to the Viewers. For Example for modeling (runway), the only basic requirement is that girls need to be at least 1.75m (that is 5ft 9 inches) tall, and guys at least 1.80 (5ft 11 inches) tall.- That is ONLY if they are to be RAMP (Catwalk) models. But there are over twenty different kinds of Models (Ramp is only one).

If you would like to know if you could have the potential to be a model or an actor, you can reach Platinum-Blue  at: or Just SMS yr Name, Age and Cell# Here (Its a Free SMS)

Or you could apply on our vetting desk on whatsapp on 0832505000 and send photographs of yourself (with sometimes your measurements if required  i.e. height, waist, hips, bust/chest, shoe size and hair and eye colour). These do not have to be "professionally" taken photographs. (be sure to include yr Name, Age and Cell# )   - Email to


Once accepted by a Talent agency, there is a lot of preparation to be done before you get your first "assignment".  For Booth Acting or Modeling its common practice to create a Portfolio of Looks. For Modeling you have to acquire a professional portfolio by doing several test shoots. These are shoots that you pay for  and are done by a Fashion or Professional photographer who is assisted by crew that may include a hair stylist & make-up artist depending on the size of the shoot. Some times the hair and make-up is done by the same person. These photographs will be viewed by your agency & yourself  within a  few days  to decide which ones to use. You do not have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable . These pictures will be be used to start off your portfolio, hopefully to be replaced by the latest Advertising work,  or subsequent shoots. The agency will use Pics in your Portfolio to create an on the fly 'Comp card' or a Z-Card (a compilation of Pics to suit the application - including pertinent size info about the artiste)  for the project at hand and the model/acting agency uses these to "market" you to the clients.

You must realise that modeling or acting is not an easy, glamorous life style, you must be motivated and dedicated. You will be expected to be professional, punctual and responsible concerning all aspects of the industry at all times.

At Platinum-Blue the door to the booking office is always open. Our models know that they can come to us any time during the day with any questions they may have.

Here are a few notes to help you understand the industry better


  • Having a good Portfolio / Z-card / composite.
  • Going to castings and Auditions.
  • Having the agency send in Pertinent pics / Z-Cards from your Portfolio to Casting Directors or clients.
  • "Checking in with the agency."

I am sure you would like to know how soon you will work as a model or an actor.

This varies. You must understand that you will not work immediately. Once you have a presentable portfolio you will start attending castings and auditions, and from the castings you get the bookings if you are successfully selected. So basically there are no short cuts, but as soon as you are ready to work your booker will start sending you to castings. That is where you come into the picture. Talent agencies can only do so much for you, but once you are  in front of the client performing, you are the only one who can pull the booking through. 

Get Started...
Click here to attend
>> Next Open-Casting Day:- on THIS Sat,29 Mar'25   
...   OR (Even Quicker), -  Just SMS yr Name, Age and Cell# Here (Its a Free SMS) - we will reply within an hour.

See Also:

More Info: >> FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions): (Click Here)


These are a couple of words used in the industry, I’m sure this will be of some help in understanding how everything works.

Abbreviation for advertisement.

artist release form
A contract in releasing your claim of any rights to images been taken for a specific client for an agreed fee. There are variations on these in the industry presently.

weather day
Clients may not be able to film on a certain day due to bad weather and 
will call for another day to film. Quite often do they option a last additional day on a shoot for a possible weather day. 

When used in context such as "beauty shoot" it refers to a full face photograph which would be used for a cover or a cosmetic ad.

Staff member whose job is to handle requests from clients.

When a model/actor is booked for a specific job he/she has a booking.

booking out
When a model/actor notifies his/her booker/agency that he/she will not be available for a certain number of days.

Information given to a model/actor by his/her booker regarding the job or casting. It will have information such as dress code etc. Or information a client will give to the agency regarding a casting.

call back
After a casting the casting director/client may want to see a model
/actor again to enable a final decision for final selection before the booking

Clients ask to see models who fit a specific brief fo
r a specific job. The client will hold a casting. You must attend all castings and dress accordingly. If you cannot attend a casting notify the agency. There are no fees payable for castings by you, as you will not be paid as well.

Casting Director
The person appointed by a client to facilitate the casting enabling the client to find the best artists/talent for a particular assignment/tv commercial/film or advert. Casting Directors DO NOT CHARGE YOU to cast. No fees payable to cast.

All personnel who assist in the production of stills photographs and television commercials, including camera operators, make-up artists etc.

A commission of 20 % is deducted by the agency on all jobs. You will be quoted a "model/acting fee" which includes the agency commission and tax.

An "editorial booking" is a shoot for pages in a magazine. An editorial is only used once.

When the  acting agency makes an appointment for you to see a photographer or an advertising client. A go-see is different to a casting where there are lots of models. You do not get paid for going on go-sees, or auditions or castings.

When a model/actor gets booked to shoot on location it means that you will not be shooting in studio. Normally location shoots take place out-doors.

mannequin / mannequins
another word  for  model, models

on camera performers agreement
Contract for your voice work/ performance in  front of camera for a paticular film/tv commercial ,audio visual. 

on set
Meaning on the location where the filming/performance will be captured/takes place.

An option is put on a model or an actor by a client or clients, to procure the models tentative availability for their shoot. The options are then either taken up by a confirmed booking or released.

Paye tax
Every freelance model from babies to the elderly pays Pay As You Earn tax
which is 25% presently in South Africa. This amount is deducted by your agency from your model fees and paid over to the Receiver of Revenue. 

Irp5 certificate 
You will be issued with a IRP5 (SA) certificate for the tax amounts that your agency deducted from your earnings and paid over to the Receiver of Revenue.

photo library / picture library /stock images
Pictures taken by photograpers to be places in "photograpic libraries" from which clients can buy/"rent" a picture for the client's paticular needs.
These might never be used by clients or can be used from editorial to adverting
The model/actor is compensated for his/her work day in front of camera while the usage fees for the images ,when used, are between the photo library/photographer and client.

portfolio / porti / book
A selection of photo’s and tearsheets that a model shows to clients. Platinum-Blue shoots your portfolio and publishes it on the Internet. You may want to make your own PF book. You can print out which Photos you want from a Portfolio disk  or from the Web (Internet).

pencil booking
A provisional booking for a model(s) / actor(s).

South African Association of Stills Producers.

A model/actor hears this word when being filmed or taped. When a director or cameraman says "this is going to be a take" he means rehearsals are over and the models/actors next moves will actually be recorded. (hopefully for the last time)

As soon as a magazine appears in which a model/actor is featured, he/she must buy copies and literally tear out the magazine sheets. These pages from a magazine are called tearsheets. These will be placed into the portfolio/book.

When a model/actor does a test shoot it is purely for his/her book. Testing is vital to build up your book, and so the clients can see your ability to work, it also gives you experience. Models/Actors are not paid to test, they have to pay a photographer to test with them. Platinum-Blue requires test shoots at least 6 months apart from the Previous shoot (sometimes sooner)

Abbreviation for tv commercial.  - tv ads

This is obviously just a basic run-down on how things work. We hope that you are more informed about the industry now, if you have any queries you can contact the Agency at the above addresses.

or e-mail us at: .

Platinum-Blue: An established Professional South African modeling and commercial agency. Best advertising and promotions through internet networking, immaculate photography by the finest SA photographers.











































































  Tue, 11 Mar

South African Studios:
JHB Studio: Linksfield Drive - Linksfield Ridge, JHB (SA)
CapeTown Studio: 'Beach Studio', MelkbosStrand, CT (SA)

Global Contact Numbers:                       Contact Us (Who's Who)

SA National:   +27  83 250-5000 
International: +1  312  239-8898
Chicago Studio: (International): Chicago, Illinois (USA)

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