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  Tue, 11 Mar South Africa:
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 2025 Selections!
Casting / Audition TIPS - Must Knows:


A few tips to make the Casting and Audition experience a pleasure.

1. Always treat a casting as if you are going for a potential job interview.
2. No gold teeth unless specified in the brief. Gold teeth are a no-no in this industry.
3. Check the date. Don’t arrive at the casting director’s office and ask for the date.
4. Know your sizes: height, bust size, shoe size, waist size, dress size, pants size.
5. The brief is only meant for the artistes selected by the agent, therefore PLEASE DO NOT send the casting brief to friends and family. Do not post the script on Facebook or any other social network websites.
6. You must have a TAX number. (Incl Children!!!)
                                                             … Its Easy to get – Just goto any SARS Tax office with yr ID.
7.Ensure you get all the information from your agent. (This will be on the Casting Brief you get BEFORE YOU GO)
    KNOW the....
            Dress code, wardrobe requirements. (Always DRESS-UP and Look like the Character you are Portraying)
            Shoot date/dates.
            Fee. (The fee is what you will earn and  is applicable ONLY if you GET the Part)
            Script/dialogue. (Learn the storyline to the advert. It will be clearly marked as 'The Script' on your brief
            Specific requirements. Read your brief and see if you FIT the role. Do NOT Go if you dont. eg: If the brief says 'Long hair' dont go if yrs is Short. If the brief says No Tattoos, then dont waste yr time if uv Just had yr girlfriends name tattoo'd on your forarm.
8. Ensure that you arrive on time. (The 7'O TV clock news STARTS at 7'O clock!!!)  Arrive At least half an hour before the casting and not two hours before the casting. When the brief says from 14h00 to 16h00 it means that the casting finishes at 16h00 and starts at 14h00. Castings are always restricted to specific times in order to accommodate all the roles needed, as well as editing time to make client deadlines; therefore the casting director can only see you in the allocated time slots on the brief. As casting is a lengthy process, you should always be patient and prepared to wait for a while.
9. If you are running late. Make a U-turn and go back home. Late comers are frowned on.
10. Get a map book. It helps not only with castings but also in every day life.
11. Once you finish with the casting, you can leave. Your agent will receive further information if shortlisted/selected.
12. Ensure you do not change/alter your hairstyle after the casting. If you get selected you are expected to look as you came for the casting.
13. The casting director does not select the artistes; he records your performance and sends it to the producer and the director that will direct the commercial and ultimately make the final selection of who is cast. The final decision is made by the director, creative director and client. Not the casting director, she/he is a facilitator.
14. Make sure you leave with all your belongings, mobile phone, wallet, sunglasses, keys, shoes, umbrella etc. The casting director cannot be held responsible for any theft or loss.
15. When completing the Artistes Declaration Form ensure that you give all the right information required. Write clearly and neatly. Make a point of being honest with commercials that you have been in that might conflict with the current casting as it may have huge legal implications for you!
Don't give out your personal cell numbers/email address unless when Absolutely Necessary. The correct way is to give only your agencies contacts. This a security precaution to protect your interests. If you're unsure, ask yr agency if its ok.
16. Take into consideration that you are not the only artist vying for this position so be courteous to the other artists that are also waiting patiently.
17. The casting director/s is not an agency and they do not represent artists.
18. Do not take your children, friends to the casting. You are applying for a job. So leave them at home or let them wait for you in the car or at a coffee shop nearby. Under 18's Must have one Guardian over 21 with them.
19. Ensure that- if you are selected for a call back you get to the venue on time. A call back is like a second interview and also very important as the director/client is present and they always have very limited time to see you and make their final selection.
20. When you get selected please ensure you arrive on time for the wardrobe call and the shoot. Arriving Late for a shoot is considered unprofessional and may result in huge repercussions to many people - but mainly you! (You may never be used again).
21. Keep your record clean. Be respectful and respected. Your track record is everything in the Media. Arrive at a Casting prepared , correctly dressed and early. Do your job, act your part realistically and with all your heart, and leave as expected when your job's done. (No drinks with the crew)

Above All have fun at your castings. The Best of the Best LOVE their work. (Treat each casting with passion. Its not just a Job)






















  Tue, 11 Mar

South African Studios:
JHB Studio: Linksfield Drive - Linksfield Ridge, JHB (SA)
CapeTown Studio: 'Beach Studio', MelkbosStrand, CT (SA)

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SA National:   +27  83 250-5000 
International: +1  312  239-8898
Chicago Studio: (International): Chicago, Illinois (USA)

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