Selection for the Part: Well done 'Richard' (Ec:A0002959) being selected for Ev:E0005138~ Discovery: The RICH OLDER Folk Roles CALL Back!- -
Mon, 17 Nov 2014 14:15:01
Mon, 17Nov, 2014at 14:15: Results of the Casting on (Past) Tue, 28Oct '14at 11:12pm-, Richard Travis AKA 'Richard' was Selected On Option for CALLback for Final Shoot. The Character: '*** The RICH OLDER Folk Roles *** (The Other Characters)1X WHITE MALE 60-75YEARS OLD1X WHITE FEMALE 60-75YEARS OLDA couple of snooty hoity-toities who reek of old money, affectation and Old Spice. He used to sit on the boards of a bank, two parastatals and seven different charities until his retirement. She never worked a day in her life and still refers to Zimbabwe as Rhodesia. They lunch at the Rand Club every Saturday; Sundays are for theJohannesburg Country Club.WARDROBE to Casting: Dress as yr Part (above) would dress.
' --- 'Richard' impressed the Producers / Directors and is Pencilled in for an Option on the Part. Well Done!
CASTING: 'Discovery: The SELECTED Roles (Only-Sorry)'
Wed, 05 Nov 2014 11:00:00 << [Published] ONLY for P-B Artistes. >Join<
SELECTED for the TV-SHOOT: Well done 'Richard' (Ec:A0002959) being selected for Ev:E0005015~ SMARTCAR-The Construction/TowTruck Guys (SELECTED ONLY) Roles PART-
Fri, 19 Sep 2014 19:47:19 Fri, 19Sep, 2014at 19:47:
CASTING: 'SMARTCAR-The Construction/TowTruck Guys (SELECTED ONLY) Roles'
Sun, 07 Sep 2014 15:10:00 << [Published] ONLY for P-B Artistes. >Join<