

(Scroll Down)

Eston Erentzen
Speaks: :English, Afrikaans:
Based in: :JHB:
Birthday: :8 December, 1987 - [ 37yrs ]:
Looks: :Attractive:
Hair Colour: :Other:
Eye Colour: :Black (Dark Brown):
Height: :160cm (5ft 3.0in):
Weight: :49kg
Body Type: :Model:
Modeling / Acting Scene:
Experience: :Newbie:
Invited Events PRO-Sheet [Over 30 events =194 ]:

-E0007959~ 'FishAways: The GYM Script: The HOT Coloured Slim GYM Girl(27-35y) Role'
                        Casting (on Mon,27Aug'18)-
-E0007956~ 'FishAways: The Gym Script: The Attractive Slim Gym Girl(27-35y) Role'
                        Casting (on Fri,24Aug'18)-
-E0007922~ 'Old Mutual: The Female PILOT (Actor)(25-30y) Role'
                        Casting (on Fri,3Aug'18)-
-E0007886~ 'ABSA (Premier League): The Lead Yoga Woman - Seychelles(28-36y) Role'
                        Casting (on Wed,18Jul'18)-
-E0007686~ 'CASTLE LITE: The (wc) Dancers (Experienced Hip-Hop)(25-35y) Role'
                        Casting (on Fri,20Apr'18)-
-E0007684~ 'CASTLE LITE: The Wc Female Model Type: Featured Extras (Very Interesting Looks)(25-32y) Role'
                        Casting (on Fri,20Apr'18)-
-E0007630~ '4th Street: The People At The Party Role'
                        Casting (on Fri,16Mar'18)-
-E0007384~ 'DEBONAIRS: The Daughter - Avril(24-28y) Role'
                        Casting (on Thu,12Oct'17)-
-E0007260~ 'ABSA: The Lovely Indian Female (Good Figure 27-39y) Role'
                        Casting (on Wed,23Aug'17)-
-E0007255~ 'FAMOUS BRAND: The Nice Looking (Col) Lady(24-40y) Role'
                        Casting (on Mon,21Aug'17)-
-E0007209~ 'BROWNS JEWELLRY: The Black Or Coloured (Real) Couple-(30-45y) Role RECAST'
                        Casting (on Tue,25Jul'17)-
-E0007204~ 'BROWNS JEWELLRY: The Black Or Coloured (Real) Couple-(30-45y) Role'
                        Casting (on Mon,24Jul'17)-
-E0007097~ 'RECAST CLORETS: The Girlfriend (Mena) -Commercial 2 Role'
                        Casting (on Thu,18May'17)-
-E0007096~ 'RECAST CLORETS: The Cousins - Commercial 2 Role'
                        Casting (on Thu,18May'17)-
-E0006977~ 'SA 's Got TALENT 2017'
                        Casting (on Sat,6May'17)-
-E0006971~ 'BeautyPageant Event Listings: (1st APRIL till End APRIL 2017)'
                        Last Entry Date (on Sat,30Apr'16)-
-E0006767~ 'SAA Airbus: The Economy-Class (Indian) Young Lady(22-28y) Role'
                        PicsByEmail Casting (on Thu,17Nov'16)-
-E0006730~ 'Mrs CommonWealth SA 2017 - (Open)'
                        Last Entry Date (on Thu,15Dec'16)-
-E0006630~ 'SPRITE: The European (MENA) White looking Attractive Females(20-28y) Role'
                        Casting (on Fri,9Sep'16)-

... and 174 more...