SELECTED for the TV-SHOOT: Well done 'Lawrence' (Ec:B0004808) being selected for Ev:E0010647~ B_A_I_N_S Whiskey: The CLUB Goers (Watching Mirriam Perform) - MEN (25-35y) Role PART-
Sun, 26 Jun 2022 11:40:49
Artiste: Lawrence Zulu AKA 'Lawr' has been FINALLY Selected for Final Shoot !!: - This Featured Supporting Part needed youthful exuberance and ability to Dance - and loook Good whilst interacting with the LEAD Performance- --- Lawrence' impressed the Producers / Directors and is about to SHOOT for the TV Part!! - Well Done! (Looking fwd to seeing you on TV... Whooohoo!)- -
Selection for the Part: Well done 'Lawrence' (Ec:B0004808) being selected for Ev:E0010647~ BAINS Whiskey: The CLUB Goers Dancers - MEN (25-35y) Role CALL Back!
Fri, 17 Jun 2022 17:11:07
Results of the Casting on (Past) Mon, 13Jun '22at 9:00am-, Lawrence Mfanafuthi Zulu AKA 'Lawrence' was Selected On Option for CALLback for Final Shoot- as the Character cast!- 'Lawrence' impressed the Producers / Directors and is Pencilled in for an Option on the Part. Well Done!-
New Featured Professional (PRO) Model - (Ec:B0004808) - *Lawrence Mfanafuthi Zulu*-23yr~'Lawrence'. ~ New Pics Published.
Thu, 15 Aug 2019 20:13:19
Professional (PRO)- Lawrence Mfanafuthi Zulu AKA 'Lawrence' is featured this week. The Brown Eyed 180cm (5ft 10.9in) Handsome Model and Actor from PTA, Shot with PB recently- He is 'Polite, easy to know, self determined, and very focused.' - AND Featured THIS WEEK-