SCANDAL - 10x Platinum-Blue Artistes Featured on ETV's Scandal THIS and Last WEEK
Fri, 13 Jun 2014 22:33:00
Fri, 13Jun, 2014at 11:44: P-B Artistes Featured on SCANDAL! (SA) in a very Elegant / Expensive Look the function (black tie event)- The CAST: *** The Waiter Role *** - X1Role: waiter - X2Black male, Aged between 26-30.- Selected Cast: A3108Emmanuel, A2183Tumi
- Event E0004730ShowReel is Featured THIS WEEK-
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SCANDAL! - to Recall 11x Platinum-Blue Cast for Continuation Shooting - Well Done !!!
Sat, 10 May 2014 08:29:32
Sat, 10May, 2014 at 08:29: The Platinum-Blue cast that will appear in the Executive Party Scene at 'Coles' are Recalled for Continuiation shooting - The Producers Loved our Actors and have decided to Preogress the Scene.- Well done the 11x Cast.- Shooting is scheduled for May 20th.
The CAST: *** The Cocktail Role *** X1Role: Cocktail - X2Black males, Aged between 26-30.Selected Cast: A3108Emmanuel, A2183Tumi
- Qualified Platinum-Blue Artists have been SMS'd.
Sun, 06 Apr 2014 08:10:00
Congratulations to 11x Platinum-blue Artistes being SELECTED for the E0004652: 'SCANDAL: The EXCLUSIVE PARTY (Selected) Roles' Video/MovieShoot in Highlands North - NEXT Thu, 10Apr '14at 7:00am--- Your PART: YOU are: The Scene: This is all for an exclusive party that will be at ColesWARDROBE to Casting: Dress as yr Part Describes (above) ====================The CAST: *** The Waiter Role *** X1Role: waiter - X2Black male, Aged between 26-30.Selected Cast: A3108Emmanuel, A2183TumiThe CAST: *** The Waiter Role *** X1Role: waiter - X2Black male, Aged between 26-30.Selected Cast: A3108Emmanuel, A2183Tumi
- Qualified Platinum-Blue Artists have been SMS'd.
Thu, 03 Apr 2014 07:00:00
E0004652: 'SCANDAL: The EXCLUSIVE PARTY (Selected) Roles' Video/MovieShoot in Highlands North - NEXT Thu, 10Apr '14at - - Selected Roles: This is all for an exclusive party that will be at ColesWARDROBE to Casting: Dress as yr Part Describes ====================The CAST: *** The Waiter Role *** X1Role: waiter - X2Black male, Aged between 26-30.Selected Cast: A3108Emmanuel, A2183TumiThe CAST: *** The Waiter Role *** X1Role: waiter - X2Black male, Aged between 26-30.Selected Cast: A3108Emmanuel, A2183Tumi
- Qualified Platinum-Blue Artists have been SMS'd.